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Thursday, 13 October 2011

Image War 1 Buff Vs Anti Buff

I'm here to! The other guy with the face and the shirt. And i'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay taller than alex. Like seriously. Sooo much taller. I think, probably. I forget. But im still waaaaaaaaaaaay shorter.

And here comes pointless crap! That will make you all cry. An Image war!

In this issue, Mr Flappy owns with an army of mega buff stuff, while Sock frantically defends with Buff distractions such as steroids and dumbbells. Gotta not understand it! =)

The rules of an image war are simple. You draw a line down the middle of a blank page, then take turns drawing. BUUUUT you need to think of random crap to one up each other with, and have a morbid sense of humor. For example.... As well as at least one person who can draw well to distract from the shit drawings on the left side of the battle. Anyway, if you guys can figure out who won, then tell us cos we sure as hell can't.
From now on, all Image wars will be under the Image wars tab

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